Tuesday, June 9

Mi Hermano es Hijo Único

a.k.a. My Brother is an Only Child

I saw this movie recently with a girl that I met at my hostel. It's an Italian movie about two brothers, one of whom belongs to the fascist party and the other to the communist party. It's really, really good and everyone should see it. 

The main reason that I'm writing about it though is while the movie itself is in Italian, a language that I don't come even close to understanding, it had Spanish subtitles. And I understood them. All of them. I can read quickly! And wrap my head around different tenses! And laugh at appropriate moments!

Yep, that's right, I'm a superstar. 

Leave your praises in the comments section please. 


Unknown said...

I am impressed. I have to say that I still wish sometimes that there will be captions on english movies ( correct that - british movies). I just finished watching As time goes by ( why british sitcoms have Judy Dench starring, and america do not have a sitcom with Meryl Streep or alike, the closest I can think of will be Mad about You with Helen Hunt, who is not Judy Dench by anu means). I don't think this thought is very straight. I better go home :)

seaprobe said...

I saw the title and thought you were writing a post about YOUR brother.

Is it harder to follow Mexican soap operas without subtitles or to follow Italian movies with Spanish subtitles?

Katya said...

Definitely easier to watch a movie with Spanish subtitles. Because then you can see where all the accents are and understand what tense people are talking in. Whereas when Mexican telenovela stars are talking really fast and you can't tell where they're putting the emphasis you can get confused whether they're talking in first person present or third person past. Or something.

It's easier to explain if you know spanish. :)