Tuesday, September 30


Took me to the Ethiopian restaurant. And then A MONTH after I posted about it, read my entry and decided to get all snarky because I didn't credit him. 

My shame knows no bounds. 

Saturday, September 20

Things that are not amazing

1. Afternoon sunlight. Unless I'm inside where I can't see it, it always makes me feel completely depressed. It makes me think of a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, called The Yellow Wallpaper, about a woman who lives in a room with yellow wallpaper that causes her to go crazy. If the earth stopped rotating and we had to live with constant afternoon sun, I think I would sink into madness as well.

2. Having to deal with something literally that is usually dealt with only figuratively. 

3. Dentures. Though more specifically, when people take them out.

4. Missing friends' birthdays.

5. Unequal growth

6. Slow internet connections

7. Being inconvenienced by First World problems and then feeling bad about my inconsequential issues.

8. Being ignored except on that one day

9. Being patronized for not knowing some Russian writer or scientist or politician when it wasn't my choice to leave the country at the tender age of 6 in the first place. And for the record, I know more about english-speaking writers and politicians than you ever will. And I don't make you feel bad about it. (Yes, scientists I will forever remain indifferent to, no matter what nationality. My genes have utterly failed me.)

10. Insomnia

Friday, September 19

The Tipping Point

by Malcolm Gladwell

Read it.

Wednesday, September 10

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Last night I watched this amazing film which came out in 1967 about a white woman and a black man who want to marry and the objections that their parents have. It stars Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, and Sydney Poitier. And can I just say WOW about the level of writing and acting in this film. Incredible. A few of the scenes were particularly memorable. The following is a rather humorous monologue that Katharine Hepburn reads to her soon-to-be-former employee. She is complete and utter grace in her anger. I want to be exactly like her when I grow up.

This clip is the most famous, I think, in the movie. Sydney Poitier's father is explaining to his son why he didn't work so hard his whole life just to have his son marry a white woman and Sydney answers back with a speech that is...just...words fail it, really. Watch his part, if nothing else.

Monday, September 8

Oh Jenny Humphrey

Must you be such a cliché?

She is 15 years old. I am so disappointed in humanity right now.

And yes, I do in fact watch Gossip Girl. No judgement from the peanut gallery please .

Thursday, September 4


She has an even worse Choice record than McCain which is quite an achievement. I can understand, if not agree with, people who oppose abortion on most grounds, but to oppose it in cases of rape or incest is barbaric. And abstinence-only sex education? First of all, it's an oxymoron. Second, you have to be a moron to believe in it. 

Ultimately, I think it's a joke. Just because the Vice President isn't THE most powerful person in the world, doesn't mean they're not constantly a gunshot or blocked artery away from that role. And when McCain dies from natural causes related to old age or Obama is assassinated, I'd much rather have Biden in the driver's seat than Palin. Republicans: You are officially BARRED from ridiculing Obama's lack of experience. You chose a woman simply because of her gender, and while no one can now point at you and scream "Look! Another old, white man!" you simply cannot point your finger at Obama anymore when you have chosen the one other person who has less experience than he does to be VPOTUS. 

One guy on the ever fair and reputable Fox News stated that she obviously has international relations experience since she is Governor of Alaska, which is right next to Russia. Actually, it's right next to Canada as well, so there you go. I feel safe, don't you?

Of course her lack of experience has been barely mentioned in light of all the other stuff. Obviously the fact that she looks like a sexy librarian, gives her children unfortunate names, and has failed as a mother to teach her daughter where babies come from shouldn't factor into any discussion on what kind if VP she will be. But it sure is fun to make fun of.

And now for a bit of fun, watch Jon Stewart comment on the hypocrisy that is the GOP and Fox News. 

This isn't to say that I am without a doubt voting for Obama/Biden. I'm still undecided. But she definitely hurt McCain's chances of getting my vote. Even if she does eat moose burgers and rides snowmobiles. 


I had Ethiopian food last night and it was AMAZING. So I'm gong to tell you about it.

First of all, I love spicy food, but whenever I try to order any the waiters look at me, think "No, white girl can't handle it" and I get something bland instead. Ethiopia has the spiciest food in all of Africa and while it's not overwhelming, it is definitely felt. They bring out all sorts of different things that you can't really identify, which is perfect for me because as long as I don't know what went into it, I'll gladly eat even vegetable concoctions. They also give you rolled pancakes that look like the hand towels you get on airplanes that are called injera. They are what you use to eat all of your food. There are no utensils, which is fantastic for people like me who secretly, and sometimes not so secretly, feel stifled by knives and forks. And have I mentioned that the food is delicious? Oh My God. 

This picture isn't what we actually had but looks very similar. If you want to try it, go to Zeni in San Jose. 

Monday, September 1

Things that are amazing, in order

6. Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. (Pronounced Ri-ki-vik)

5. Season premiere of Gossip Girl!

4. Hanging out with two friends who I thought didn't like each other.

3. This song.

2. The coffee, pastries, and people at Roasted Coffee Bean on Stevens Creek.

1. 10 books for $5 (!!!) at Rasputin Music.