Thursday, September 4


She has an even worse Choice record than McCain which is quite an achievement. I can understand, if not agree with, people who oppose abortion on most grounds, but to oppose it in cases of rape or incest is barbaric. And abstinence-only sex education? First of all, it's an oxymoron. Second, you have to be a moron to believe in it. 

Ultimately, I think it's a joke. Just because the Vice President isn't THE most powerful person in the world, doesn't mean they're not constantly a gunshot or blocked artery away from that role. And when McCain dies from natural causes related to old age or Obama is assassinated, I'd much rather have Biden in the driver's seat than Palin. Republicans: You are officially BARRED from ridiculing Obama's lack of experience. You chose a woman simply because of her gender, and while no one can now point at you and scream "Look! Another old, white man!" you simply cannot point your finger at Obama anymore when you have chosen the one other person who has less experience than he does to be VPOTUS. 

One guy on the ever fair and reputable Fox News stated that she obviously has international relations experience since she is Governor of Alaska, which is right next to Russia. Actually, it's right next to Canada as well, so there you go. I feel safe, don't you?

Of course her lack of experience has been barely mentioned in light of all the other stuff. Obviously the fact that she looks like a sexy librarian, gives her children unfortunate names, and has failed as a mother to teach her daughter where babies come from shouldn't factor into any discussion on what kind if VP she will be. But it sure is fun to make fun of.

And now for a bit of fun, watch Jon Stewart comment on the hypocrisy that is the GOP and Fox News. 

This isn't to say that I am without a doubt voting for Obama/Biden. I'm still undecided. But she definitely hurt McCain's chances of getting my vote. Even if she does eat moose burgers and rides snowmobiles. 

1 comment:

AlexGilgur said...

Obama's lack of experience did not keep him from winning the primaries. McCain intentionally chose a nobody with a chutzpah, as now the playing field is level, and now the elections will be on where the candidates (all 4 of them) stand on issues and not on how many years of experience each has.

She is every bit Obama, except that she is a white woman (married to a half-Alaskan native) and her hairstyle is much cuter :^P

But unlike Obama, she does change things in a definitive way, while Obama has still not explained to us what kind of "change" he is going to implement.