Wednesday, June 10


Updating three times in just as many days? Superstar status is cemented. 


A little over a week ago I moved out of the apartment that I had been living in for the past two months and since having another apartment lined up would have meant not doing things at the very last possible minute, I had to stay in a hostel while my next place, my former host-stay, became available. 

But that is just further evidence that sometimes procrastinating can actually lead you to opportunities you wouldn't have had had you been organized and responsible because my stay at the hostel was awesome. 

First of all, I got to feel like a tourist in a city that I've gotten rather accustomed to. And that's always fun. I've stayed in a bunch of hostels at this point and each one has its one vibe. Some of them have that I'm-going-to-walk-in-on-someone-throwing-up-or-having-sex-on-my-bed kind of vibe and others have the I-want-to-live-here-forever-and-keep-meeting-amazing-people kind of vibe. This one was definitely the latter. 

Apart from an excruciatingly annoying Russian girl who kept complaining that people in Chile didn't speak English to her (natural selection will soon take care of her) I met: 
--Lovely Irish girls who had the same accent as one of my favorite comedians so I kept asking them questions so that they would keep on talking.
--Lovely German girl who spoke Russian and French and who was adorable after some gin.
--Lovely New Mexico girl who was hilarious and talked about her bodily functions in a way that made me care.
--Lovely Puerto Rican lady who complimented me on my Spanish and thus made me love her forever.
--British boys who finally explained the British Parliamentary system in a way that I understood at least for that night, a.k.a. The Night of all That Wine. 
--Lots of others.

Not to be redundant, but it was lovely. 

Also as a sidetone, for those of you who aren't cemented to my twitter page, Chile just won against Bolivia 4-0 and will be going to the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. That's probably a big deal, at least the entire male population of Santiago keeps screaming like it is, so I thought you all would want to know. 


Kyle said...

Going back to the "feeling like a tourist" theme here, I looooove hosting people who have never been to Santiago because it always gives me a fresh perspective. Hanging out at a hostel must have made you feel the same way!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katerina

Sounds like you're enjoying Chile. Ole.

If you'd like to be part of the global Shapiro Network, log on to LinkedIn and search groups for "Shapiro Network" - 2nd para here refers:

Marcus from London, England

Unknown said...

why your hair is so long on the new picture?

Katya said...

Because you haven't seen me in a long time? :)