Tuesday, September 15

Now that I'm back

So I lied. Many, many posts didn't follow about Chile.

It's just so hard to explain how I feel about it now that I'm not there anymore. Whenever I see my friends from there we talk ad nauseum about what we miss and what we hate about America now that we've lived the good life down south. But people who weren't there with me? They just won't get it. And that's irritating. And sad.

I've been planning out posts for nearly two months now, but I think this is all you're going to get for the time being. I'm going to start posting here again and I've felt like I couldn't do that until I summarized in meaningful terms the entire 6 months that I was gone. Well, that's not possible and I'm done trying.

Chile was beautiful and most moments of most days I wish I were still there.

That's all for now.

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