Sunday, February 15

First day in Buenos Aires

I will say more lovely things later, because there ARE lovely things to say. But in the meantime Ive had my money and cell phone stolen. Also the hostel is insanely hot which isnt really its fault because the city is boiling. And im really tired from walking around everywhere and tired of being so sweaty and for some reason they took my sheets and dont have any clean ones. Also cannot seem to find a functioning computer with skype and/or aim and half the pages dont work and i cant get in touch with my hostmom so she can go through my things and find the numbers for my travellers cheques.

Though really this is mostly because I havent eaten in 6 hours and because I cant find the apostrophe on this damn computer. And if I dont ever have to use Internet Explorer again it will be too soon.

Really, Buenos Aires is beautiful. I want to move here. Or at least I know I will want to move here once I stop feeling like such a cliche. Much love,



Unknown said...

i'm sure tomorrow will be better.
why do0 you need numbers for your travelchecks?
do you still have your atm card and cc?
buy yourself a cheap watch for time

olga k said...

goooood luck. in fifty years it'll be a warning tale for the grandkids.

fivespeed said...

Good times :] I'm enjoying the pictures...
It's a setback, but I'm glad you're having a great time! And don't forget, El Tabaco MATA.

olga k said...

oh my GOD your pictures make me wish for teleportation!

in other news, you alive over there?

AlexGilgur said...

I talked to a guy from Brazil I play soccer with. He said you must have walked in the wrong neighborhood, which there are more of in Buenos Aires than in Oakland. He said that fortunately, the warning signs are the same.

Go watch a football game in Buenos Aires. Watching Brazilians play is like seeing music flow.

Make sure you wear neutral colors: not of either of the teams, especially if you go to a game in Argentina: they are way too passionate to be safe in the wrong colors.

But Brazilian football is much better: it is pure and more entertaining. I envy you! (in a good way)

If you do go to Peru, keep your camera in Santiago or in places good Catholic pickpockets of male persuasion will not check: too many mugging reports coming from that part of the world.

The waterfalls are awesome! Only in South America.

Carla said...

The vast majority of what visitors see in Buenos Aires today was built in the explosive period between 1880 and 1910, just after the city became the capital of Argentina, and in preparation for the country's Centennial. As a result, very little of Buenos Aires's colonial heritage exists today, save for Cabildo and Catedral Metropolitana surrounding Plaza de Mayo, both of which have been altered dramatically over time, and several churches within Monserrat and San Telmo. That is why I decided to get buenos aires apartments in those neighbourhoods!