Other things that happened today. I went to the Davis Public Library, and while walking there was actually thankful for the first time ever that I live in this Godforsaken suburbia/farm hole. The kids were already out trick-or-treating and the leaves had actually managed to acquire a vestige of fall color and it was raining a little bit and the wet trees and asphalt smelt like Russia in the summer after the numerous thunderstorms. Nostalgia, ahoy. Also, there were TONS of Obama/Biden and No on Prop 8 signs as opposed to the other ones, which made me hate the people less.
Got AMAZING books at the library, including The Africa Book and The Cities Book which had the following to say about the Moscow metro:
"Hands down the best in the world--over 150 stations, used by nine million people a day and breathtakingly efficient (you'll never wait more than two minutes for a train). Moreover, it's a joy to travel on, with elaborate chandelier and marble-clad platforms, socialist realist art and political sculpture to entertain the masses."
What uuuuuuup!
Also, went trick-or-treating. Though since it was last minute and I didn't have a costume I just supervised, got thoroughly wet and ruined my last pair of flats. But it was totally worth it. As hard as my mother tried to squash the Halloween joy every year, apparently some of it is still alive and kicking.

The rest of my night will consist of When Harry Met Sally, chocolate, spinach dip, and a vodka cranberry (only one, mother). Hope everyone else had a happy Halloween!
And please remember to vote if you haven't already. NO on 8 and 4.
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