Friday, October 31

This is to round it off at 10

Because I said I would. 

I voted today!

Woot. Kinda wish I could have gone to an actual polling place but the lines are sooooooo long. Which is really great to see because the youth vote has been rather pathetic in the past but as I understand it, a record amount of youth registered this year. Still, the old people outnumber us by A LOT and we don't have anything like AARP so in terms of voting for things that are going to screw us over like Social Security, there still isn't a snowball's chance in hell.

Other things that happened today. I went to the Davis Public Library, and while walking there was actually thankful for the first time ever that I live in this Godforsaken suburbia/farm hole. The kids were already out trick-or-treating and the leaves had actually managed to acquire a vestige of fall color and it was raining a little bit and the wet trees and asphalt smelt like Russia in the summer after the numerous thunderstorms. Nostalgia, ahoy. Also, there were TONS of Obama/Biden and No on Prop 8 signs as opposed to the other ones, which made me hate the people less.

Got AMAZING books at the library, including The Africa Book and The Cities Book which had the following to say about the Moscow metro:

"Hands down the best in the world--over 150 stations, used by nine million people a day and breathtakingly efficient (you'll never wait more than two minutes for a train). Moreover, it's a joy to travel on, with elaborate chandelier and marble-clad platforms, socialist realist art and political sculpture to entertain the masses."

What uuuuuuup!

Also, went trick-or-treating. Though since it was last minute and I didn't have a costume I just supervised, got thoroughly wet and ruined my last pair of flats. But it was totally worth it. As hard as my mother tried to squash the Halloween joy every year, apparently some of it is still alive and kicking.

The rest of my night will consist of When Harry Met Sally, chocolate, spinach dip, and a vodka cranberry (only one, mother). Hope everyone else had a happy Halloween!

And please remember to vote if you haven't already. NO on 8 and 4.

Wednesday, October 29

Things Americans do/like

...that I'm completely down for

1. Corn on the cob

2. Ford

3. Apple

4. Mostly obeying traffic laws

5. M*A*S*H

6. Postal Service

...that I will never understand

1. Carpet

2. Thank you cards

3. Wearing shoes indoors

4. Complete and utter lack of any respectable geographical knowledge

5. Trophies for participating

6. Overuse of pet names

Really I only wanted to post that last list because #'s 2, 4, and 6 have been driving me particularly nuts lately, but I didn't want to be too negative. 

Monday, October 27

NO on Prop. 8

This post took many weeks to write, primarily because every time I started putting down my thoughts I would get very angry and start insulting people. And while I will still insult people, believe me, I've held back. 

Quite frankly, it doesn't really matter who you vote for as president, Obama will get California. At this point it's just a matter of how big his landslide victory will be. But there is more to the upcoming election than who will be the next Commander-in-Chief. 

Proposition 8 seeks to overturn the landmark May 15 decision which granted the fundamental right of marriage to same-sex couples in California. To me, this election has become all about this particular proposition. A little single-minded, maybe, but the race for president isn't exactly keeping me at the edge of my seat, whereas this issue is in jeopardy. I always figured it was just a matter of time until gay marriage was legalized in California, and once it was, gay rights would never look back. But here I am facing the very real possibility that this amazing state of ours could actually take a giant step backwards. I'm absolutely terrified that 8 days from now my hours of poring over election data and pie charts will culminate in the news that proposition 8 has passed. I'm trying now to imagine how that would feel and I can't. 

You can be pro-life and I'll understand. You can be pro-guns, pro capital punishment, and pro seceding from the Union. But if you are pro Prop 8, a proposition that if it passes or it doesn't pass WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR LIFE ONE LITTLE BIT, then I refuse to even try and understand your justifications. In May 2008 a whole lot of people were lifted up from second-class citizen status. If you are voting Yes on Prop 8 then all you're doing is ruining the happiness of millions of people and hurting a very important civil rights cause. 

Do the right thing November 4th. VOTE NO. 

Friday, October 24


Guess who has one of these...

...and one of these now?


Thursday, October 23

The Other Side

Obviously this is an extreme. This does not represent the average Republican and surely they are only showing us the more militant from the bunch that they interviewed. Still makes me worried that I share a country with these people. 

I love the lady who says "I don't like the fact he thinks us white people are trash, because we're not." IRONY ALERT!!!

Also, that guy is holding a baby and oh my god I think that is his child and we are all doomed doomed doomed. 

That is all.

Tuesday, October 21

The Endorsement

My first reaction when I heard that Colin Powell was endorsing Barack Obama for President was "oh crap".  Because I knew that for the most part, people would be saying that Powell based his decision on the fact that they are both black, and the next few weeks would be devoted to people claiming that although they aren't racist, this obviously is the only explanation. 

If you genuinely believe that the former Secretary of State, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and National Security Advisor would decide to base his endorsement of a candidate on the color of his skin then you are one, a blatant racist, and two, so disillusioned about the ability of our leaders to make any sort of informed decision that you should, quite frankly, find a better country to live your life in. Another option however would be to settle down, give up your conspiracy theories, and realize that intelligent men, although they will occasionally/often make decisions that we disagree with based on different values, have more sense than to believe that a man will make a good leader because his skin has more melanin. Colin Powell has always been a rather moderate Republican. He is pro-choice, pro gun control, and pro affirmative action. He has also, like many others, become disillusioned with McCain. His endorsement came as a surprise, but not that much of a surprise. 

Honestly, get over yourself. Just because someone made a decision that isn't the same one you made doesn't mean their motives were somehow less honorable. 

And for the record, I'm not all that nuts about Obama. I just think degrading this decision for the above reason is petty and bigoted.

Friday, October 17


That's what happens when I try to text "Congratulations" to my mother. Who finally has internet back in her office. But that's not the point. The point is, don't buy a Virgin Mobile phone. 

Several posts coming. If only I weren't so busy having way too much fun with peppers and pumpkins and eating with my hands and sleeping in the same room as a GIANT MAN-EATING SNAKE. 

Off to discover the wonders of Socal. Once the sun stops being so damn aggressive. Oh yes, and I broke my sunglasses. Nevertheless, life is still amazing. 21 is definitely different from 20, and I haven't even had a single sip of alcohol.

Wednesday, October 15


Is it totally immature posting about it twice? Absolutely. But turning 21 isn't about maturity. It's about knowing that the evil adults of this world who will allow someone to get married at 14 but not to imbibe liquor can STUFF IT. Because I can now forever get served legally in a bar. 

Unless I forget my ID. Which come to think of it, will probably happen quite often. 

Doesn't matter though. Drunken mistakes, here I come. 

(This post is half to celebrate and half to drive my mother up the wall. She doesn't get it though, she was raised in a culture where they celebrate your 5th birthday by treating you to your first shot of vodka. Congratulations Mama.)

P.S. David, the tradition is to get the mother flowers. :)

Saturday, October 11


Don't worry, on the day of there will be another post to remind everyone. The post today is for two reasons. One, I haven't posted in 11 days and I've resolved to have at least ten a month and Two, I expect you to CONGRATULATE ME, which can be done in the following ways:
  • commenting on my blog
  • calling me
  • emailing me
  • writing on my wall on facebook
No other ways will be accepted as genuine unless they come in the form of presents.

I AM TURNING 21 PEOPLE. On Wednesday. Tell your friends.

(Monkey Birthday songs not welcome. This means you.)