Saturday, June 21

What's up with the Jews?

You know what I don't get? When Ronald Reagan became president he sent more aid to Israel than Carter ever had. This is an unverified statistic, but I believe it went from 77 million to 1.5 billion, an increase of nearly 2,000%. If you want to over-generalize it, Republican leaders are traditionally pro-Israel and Democrat leaders are pro-Palestine. And yet Jews are overwhelmingly Democrat. So they keep voting for the side which is shifting its sympathies more and more towards Palestine? If anyone can explain this to me please do so. Is it because American Jews are less concerned with Israel and more concerned with things like religious freedom? For many Jews that I've talked to, support of Palestine is a deal breaker, and yet in recent history the Democrats are the ones seeking and getting the Jewish vote. What's up with that?

David was discussing the situation with me last night and scared me so much that I actually contemplated voting for McCain for a whole ten minutes. Thank goodness that's over. Still, I got a bunch of books about the conflict and plan to figure it out as much as I can during my upcoming camping trip. So I'm not promising that the feeling won't come back. 

BTW, did we know that Yasser Arafat was once awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? What did they give it to him for? Peace? 

Also, I got some questions about how to leave comments. Just click on the underlined "# comments" link and it'll lead you to a comment box. 

Until next time,



AlexGilgur said...

Very good thoughts. The anti-Conservative mood is very deeply seated in the Jewish psyche, especially in the Soviet Jews. Historically, we've been the ones calling for change. Why? Because our history - that of being the persecuted tribe - has taught us that change could not make matters worse than they already were. But it can.

We are all prone to judging the book by its cover: the best commercial is the name. Democracy is good; it's the best form of government; so the party that has it in its name has to be the best.

You've read The Animal Farm, haven't you? The most captivating slogans win the day, right?

But we forget that it was the Democrats who initiated the Secession in the 1860s; that it was the Democrats who were against the Abolition of slavery; that it was the Democrats who were adopting the isolationist policy during both World Wars; that it was the Democratic President LBJ who escalated the war in Vietnam from 16,000 to 550,000 soldiers.

American public is very gullible and is ignorant of its history. And those societies who forget their history are doomed to repeat it again. And again. And again.

AlexGilgur said...

Regarding Arafat and the Nobel Peace Prize. It was his precondition for sitting down with Peres and Rabbin at Oslo: the old stinker was not only full of sh!t, but overflowing with vanity, too.